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Abstain votes in Council casted by Italy

This page shows a full list of all the votes concerning acts adopted in accordance with the co-decision procedure in the Council of the European Union where Italy voted Abstain. The list is sorted by date. To obtain further information on the different proposals you can look them up in the official EU-database PreLex.

Vote title Date
 Voting result  Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) (recast) [First reading] (LA) - Adoption a) of the Council's position b) of the statement of the Council reasons 3108th meeting of the COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (Agriculture/Fisheries) Brussels, Tuesday 19 July 2011

 Voting result Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on combating late payment in commercial transactions (Recast) (first reading)  Adoption of the legislative act 3063rd meeting of the COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (Agriculture and Fisheries) Brussels, Monday 24 January 2011

Voting result Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on common rules for access to the international road haulage market (recast) (second reading) (LA) - Approval of the European Parliament's amendments 2963rd meeting of the COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (Competitiveness, Internal Market, Industry and Research) Brussels, Thursday 24 and Friday 25 September 2009

Voting result Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down procedures relating to the application of certain national technical rules to products lawfully marketed in another Member State and repealing Decision 3052/95/EC (LA + S) (First reading)

Voting result Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the liability of carriers of passengers by sea in the event of accidents (LA+S) (First reading) - Adoption (a) of the common position 6389/08 MAR 24 ENV 87 CODEC 185 + COR 1 + REV 1 (fi) 8924/08 CODEC 533 MAR 61 ENV 253 + ADD 1 (b) of the statement of the Council''s reasons 6389/08 MAR 24 ENV 87 CODEC 185 ADD 1 approved by COREPER, Part 1, on 20.05.08 2875th meeting of the COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (Transport, Telecommunications and Energy) Luxembourg, 6 June 2008

Subject: - Voting result - Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on waste and repealing certain Directives (LA + S) [First reading]

Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing A Framework for Community Action in the field of Marine Environmental Policy (Marine Strategy Framework Directive) (LA + S) (First reading) - Adoption


See the list of all countries votes here.

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