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Socialistisk Folkeparti vs. Folkebevægelsen mod EU

Sammenligning af stemmeafgivelser i Europa-parlamentet

Sammenligningen er baseret på 3808 afstemninger
og dækker valgperiode 2004-2009

Politikområde Grad af enighed Antal afstemninger
Environment, Public Health and Food Safety 82 % 375
Economic and Monetary Affairs 60 % 247
Foreign Affairs 60 % 243
Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs 71 % 239
Budgets 58 % 221
Internal Market and Consumer Protection 85 % 204
Agriculture 61 % 203
Transport and Tourism 70 % 185
Constitutional Affairs 29 % 182
Industry, Research and Energy 78 % 163
Budgetary Control 85 % 158
Employment and Social Affairs 63 % 142
International Trade 64 % 135
Culture and Education 44 % 114
Legal Affairs 74 % 108
EP Delegation to Conciliation 78 % 83
Fisheries 61 % 75
Regional Development 50 % 66
Women's Rights and Gender Equality 92 % 60
Development 95 % 56
Use of European countries by the CIA 61 % 18
Climate Change 88 % 16
Petitions 73 % 11
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