<< Tilbage til sammenligning af EU-stemmer

Venstre vs. Det Konservative Folkeparti

Sammenligning af stemmeafgivelser i Europa-parlamentet

Sammenligningen er baseret på 4367 afstemninger
og dækker valgperiode 2004-2009

Politikområde Grad af enighed Antal afstemninger
Environment, Public Health and Food Safety 75 % 383
Foreign Affairs 87 % 306
Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs 68 % 264
Industry, Research and Energy 77 % 238
Budgetary Control 89 % 229
Budgets 81 % 226
Economic and Monetary Affairs 84 % 225
Transport and Tourism 80 % 217
Agriculture 64 % 211
Internal Market and Consumer Protection 84 % 189
Employment and Social Affairs 71 % 163
Legal Affairs 80 % 140
EP Delegation to Conciliation 78 % 133
Culture and Education 70 % 130
Regional Development 76 % 124
Constitutional Affairs 80 % 116
Fisheries 64 % 100
International Trade 88 % 91
Women's Rights and Gender Equality 60 % 78
Development 96 % 45
The enlarged Union for 2007-2013 76 % 33
Use of European countries by the CIA 79 % 19
Petitions 79 % 19
Climate Change 56 % 16
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